
march 5th.

happy birthday, blog!

we made it...one whole year of this!
who knew I'd actually be able to keep up with you?

I thought I'd make it a few months, and leave you in the dust, to be quite honest.

You've been with me to explore Phoenix, sunny Florida, graduation, our one-year anniversary trip to the beach, visits back home in Tennessee, Hot Springs, my first big-kid job, Los Angeles, trips to Texas, our first niece, weddings, holidays, camping trips, skiing in Colorado, and entertaining lots of visitors right here in our own backyard... {wow, until lumping all the highlights together...I'm not sure I'd quite realized what a year it had been!}

So to those of you who find your names over on the left side of this page, I'm happy to share the 'blog-o-sphere' with you, and I've really enjoyed learning a little more about you and your lives. To others of you who've found your way onto this page, ...what are you waiting for? Be sure & let me know if you start one of these puppies of your own!

Cheers to many more to come!